Instalujte Google Play do telefonů Huawei a Honor – nejsnadnější instalace!

 There is no need to argue that creating your own content is always better than slavish copying / translating articles from foreign websites. And that is why on, if it is only a little possible, we will always prepare an original article / instructions for you. And it will happen even today, when we will please all owners of Huawei and Honor phones that do not natively contain GMS and therefore applications such as Youtube, GMail or Google Play.

Does Huawei still have a chance?

Living with a phone without Google services is difficult and painful, and while it's not Huawei's fault, it's just like that. Due to the war between the Chinese and American administrations, the company was blacklisted by the US Department of Industry and Commerce. In the past year and a half, she lost not only access to services from Google, but also much-needed American technology, which forced her to stop producing her Kirin chipsets last September.

The HMS alternative with the AppGallery store and Petal Search is certainly a step in the right direction, but it is often not enough for users, so they prefer to look elsewhere in the competition and reach for a mobile phone, which they can also pay at the merchant.

The path to Google Play is always there

If for some reason you own a Huawei / Honor mobile phone without Google services and you still want them, you will surely receive our instructions, thanks to which you can get your favorite applications to your mobile phone in the blink of an eye. DualSpace allows you to clone Google services and therefore all applications and games. The installation will only take you a few minutes and the whole procedure is so simple that your grandmother will certainly be able to handle it.

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