Stroke can come at any time and attack anyone. For that, for young people, let's pay attention to how to prevent the following strokes!
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How to Prevent Stroke - “Youth, fiery times. Who wants to win alone. Even if it's wrong, it doesn't matter. " The quote from the Rhoma Irama song entitled Darah Muda, has clearly described the lifestyle of young people.
Youth is indeed the golden age in someone's life, but do you want your youth to be damaged by disease? It is better if you enjoy your youth with a lifestyle that is good for your health in the future.
How to Prevent Stroke
1. Exercise regularly
This one is absolute, exercise seems to be in every health article about disease prevention. Because winning is proven, exercise is an activity that is important for the health of your body.
Exercise is useful for maintaining your body weight, besides that exercise can also burn body fat and calories so there is no blockage in blood vessels.
2. Avoid smoking
We know that smoking can cause many diseases, one of which is stroke. Smoking causes the constriction of blood vessels which results in blood and oxygen not flowing properly.
Then, the blood can clot and the blood pressure will increase. The meaning of avoiding cigarettes above is not only for you active smokers, but also passive smokers.
3. Limit Drinking Alcohol
Why isn't this subtitle “avoid alcohol”? Because studies show that alcohol can actually reduce the risk of having a stroke. But remember! You can only drink one glass a day.
For the record, regarding alcohol consumption you must also follow the teachings in your respective beliefs, yes and don't be violated, Toppers!
4. Avoid drugs
Types of drugs such as methaphamine and cocaine are examples of the many drugs that lead to prison, death, and of course stroke.
These drugs can cause narrowing of the arteries, resulting in poor blood flow.
5. Pay attention to meal times
To avoid a stroke you need to pay attention to your eating hours. It's a good idea to follow a pattern of six meals every day. The six meals consist of three large portions and three snacks.
6. Pay attention to the type of food
After paying attention to eating patterns, you also need to pay attention to what you eat. To avoid strokes you need to eat low-calorie foods and avoid fried foods.
You can eat foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and meats that are low in fat, and other foods that are high in protein, vitamins and have high fiber.
7. Adjust the amount of food
You also need to pay attention to the amount of food you eat and adjust it according to the number of calories and your daily activities. Set the best possible amount of each meal you eat.
Because anything excess is bad, you can get diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure are the doors to a stroke.
8. Pay attention to weight
As mentioned above, obesity will lead to stroke. By exercising and adjusting your diet properly, you can control your weight.
Do a diet if it is necessary, you can go on a diet by eating low-fat foods.
9. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
Eating fruits and vegetables is important, but there are some fruits that you must consume if you don't want to have a stroke.
These fruits are apples which contain quercetin which can harden the arteries, bananas which are high in potassium, avocados which are rich in unsaturated fats and of course green vegetables.
10. Exercise
Apart from exercise, you also need to do mental exercises to prevent strokes. You can do mental cultivation in several ways, such as yoga and meditation.
Yoga and meditation can relax the mind and heart. It is in these conditions that our blood pressure will be stable.
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11. Control Your Emotions
Well, for those of you who like to get angry and often accumulate negative thoughts, you should throw this habit away. Because when you are angry and stressed, the muscles in your head tighten, and your heart beats faster.
Conditions like this will cause you to have a stroke more quickly.
12. Adequate Body Fluids
Don't be lazy to drink water, Toppers. You need to have adequate fluids in your body every day, so you don't get dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, your blood and oxygen flow doesn't work properly.
It's easy, right? By drinking water regularly, you can prevent strokes.
13. Sleep regularly
Next, you need to adjust your sleep time. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep a day, and the ideal time is 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Too much sleep will actually increase the risk of developing a stroke. So, from now on, don't wake up just to turn off the alarm and go to sleep again, Toppers.
14. Blood Sugar Control
You must know, if the blood sugar levels are excessive and for too long in the body it can cause blockages in the walls of blood vessels and eventually block the passage of blood to the brain.
With a healthy lifestyle as described in the previous numbers, you can keep your blood sugar normal.
15. Pay attention to cholesterol levels
The next way to prevent you from having a stroke is to pay attention to your cholesterol levels by checking with your doctor. You should check regularly and record your cholesterol levels.
You can do this recording within a period of 3 to 6 months.
16. Pay attention to blood pressure
Base pressure is a crucial factor in your step in preventing stroke. The reason is, high blood pressure can accelerate you, both men and women, to have a stroke.
Normal blood pressure is 135/85. Reducing the consumption of salt, junk food, and cigarettes can keep your blood pressure down.
17. Check Heart Rate
Also check your heart rate, Toppers. An irregular heartbeat is five times more likely to have a stroke. Coming back to number one, exercising can help you stabilize an unstable heartbeat.
19. Enrich Information
Fortunately, those of you who are reading this article, because without realizing it, you too are trying to prevent a stroke. You can find information in health books or on the internet about this disease and how to prevent it.
20. Achieve Happiness
The last one is achieving happiness. This last method seems to summarize the methods that have been previously described. By not stressing, living a healthy life, and being a relaxed person, it can help you prevent stroke, Toppers.
One more thing, don't forget to smile! Because, smiling, the muscles in your head will relax.
So, here are 20 ways to prevent stroke at your young age, Toppers! Don't just read it, okay! You also have to apply it in your life from now on, instead of spending your old age in a wheelchair.